The Virgo Child (Aug 23-Sep 23)

Virgoan children were born to serve humanity they love to help and want to feel needed.

They are perfectionists and need to get things done right, forever running backwards and forwards they often forgetting their own needs.

They also love learning. They cannot get enough books or educational tools. They have a knack for picking up new skills, because they know how to listen and learn best from visual stimuli such as TV, educational videos and observations.

They also know how to explain their questions well making it easier to feed their hungry minds. They need routine and schedules to feel secure.

As they learn to talk from a young age, they need social interaction and lots of friends, but prefer attention from older kids. With children their own age they can be bossy, telling-tales and nit-picking causing friction. This needs to be curbed to help them develop friendships more easily.

These characters truly think they need to be flawless in order to be loved. Instilling humor and playfulness in a Virgo is among the greatest gifts you can give them.

They can be model kids who need to be reminded to play now and again, or will turn into workaholics.

Naturally serious, their imaginations need to be inspired from an early age. Outdoor activities allow Virgos to have a healthy outlet. Taking them swimming or on picnics, away from the demands of daily life will help them to develop bonds and self-confidence.

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