Why is your wellbeing important?

If you are going to look after children, then there are 5 things you need to do, to do this job well:

Be Healthy
Stay Healthy
Have oodles of energy
Laugh regularly
& Love your life

Children are sensitive beings, with reduced immune systems yet packed full of energy.
To care for them well, you will naturally need to be healthy yourself to fight off all those bugs the children around you are likely to catch.
You’ll need tonnes of energy to keep up with them, and all their antics.

You’ll also need to be able to laugh off the unexpected, unforeseen and sometimes unacceptable behaviour, you are going to come across.

And most importantly, you are going to need to love your life, so that you stay positive, are able to carry a positive energy about you, to make caring for children easier. This is for two reasons:
1. If you are happy and positive – the children in your care will feed off this positivity and in turn be positive and fun to be around too.
2. If you are happy with life, when problems come your way, you will bounce back from them much more quickly, making it easier to stay on track.
Now all this may all sound easier said than done, so we have compiled some tips and info in this Wellbeing section to help you keep your energies up and help you stay on top of things.

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