Why You Should Introduce Music to Your Baby Early

Music is a great way to stimulate infants on many levels. As well as being entertaining and enjoyable, music can also stimulate an infant’s growth.

When babies listen to music, they cannot help but move and jiggle to the sound, especially if it has a beat. In the early days, music can be used to comfort babies and even soothe them to sleep, but as they get older and are able to stand, music can be used to exercise them, by encouraging them to dance and strengthen their muscles.

This in turn will help children develop rhythm and co-ordination.

If the music is accompanied with words, then children can be encouraged to learn words more easily developing their vocabulary too.

As we can see music is an important element in a child’s development and should be played to them regularly.

When children are older, they can be encouraged to make music of their own by learning to play a musical instrument. Even babies can start to make music by shaking rattles, blowing on toy trumpets, beating a toy drum and xylophone from a few months old.

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